Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I'm Good!

Today will go down as the first day since I was diagnosed that I could honestly answer "good" when asked how I was doing. I didn't, in fact, answer "good" because I'm so used to saying "okay" that it comes out of my mouth without me thinking about it. I actually had a moment after I answered okay when I thought, "No, wait a minute, I'm good!" And can't wait to answer great!

Monday, January 23, 2012

These boots were made for walking!

I've decided to participate in the 2012 Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in San Francisco on July 7 & 8, my birthday! Please click on the link that I've posted to access my personal fundraising page about the Avon Walk and what it means to me. I have to raise $1800 to simply participate and would love to raise more! I would greatly appreciate any donation. CancerGirl's going to walk 39.3 miles for a cure and quality care for everyone, regardless of insurance and income. Please support me! :)